Let's kick it up a notch!
Bam! Martha's Table! Bam! Clagett Farm! Bam! Emeril!
That's what I call a recipe for success!
Clagett Farm is a working farm, owned and operated by the Chesapeake Bay
Foundation (CBF) in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. They grow vegetables for their Community Supported Agriculture program, raise grass fed cattle and have a native tree nursery on more than 285 acres.
At Clagett Farm, the ultimate goal is to use farming methods that are truly sustainable—both economically and environmentally.Check them out at http://www.clagettfarm.org/ and http://cbf.typepad.com/clagett_farm/
Clagett Farm supports Martha's Table with a vegetable production project called "From the Ground Up." Started in 1992 as a collaboration between Capital Area Food Bank and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, almost half of the produce is distributed free or at reduced prices to under-served communities in
Washington D.C., including Martha's Table.
We were scheduled to pick up some produce on Monday afternoon, and we decided to thoroughly check it out and spend some time volunteering there. Emeril Lagasse, the famous chef, happened to be there filming for his show. We met Emeril, watched a little bit of the taping of his show, harvested garlic scapes, and packed up fresh produce to bring back to Martha's
Table. A successful day on the farm - all in a day's work!
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