Not Eating Candy Has a Sweet Reward!
Martha’s Table received a letter from one of our youngest donors yesterday – seven-year-old Andrew Kaleigh was donating some hard-earned money. He participated in the Candy Challenge 2008, giving up eating candy for an entire year! He made a deal with his parents, and earned money for each day that he did not eat candy. This ties right in with our healthier initiative for McKenna’s Wagon! At the end of the year, Andrew divided the money he received equally among savings, spending money, and a charity of his choice. We are very honored that he chose Martha’s Table!
In his own words:
"I chose Martha’s Table for the charity that I would like to help. My little brother and I have visited Martha’s Table before when we dropped off sandwiches and bagged lunches that we have made with my family and sometimes with my neighbors. I think that Martha’s Table is a good place for kids. You help a lot of people and I think it’s a good thing to do. I hope that the boys and girls who come to Martha’s Table before and after school will like what we brought."
Thank you, Andrew, for all your help!